Jelle - Author
14/02/2018 16:02
'The Insiders' open in The Philippines

Welcome to 'The Insiders'!
From today onwards, we are inviting consumers from The Philippines to subscribe to our word-of-mouth community for vocal consumers. More than 3.500.000 members worldwide have been able to take part in various fun campaigns, for products such as Samsung, Lego, Coca Cola, Huawei, Philips, …
We are pleased to be able to offer consumers this platform. People have an important voice here. We believe that when you have been able to test good products yourself, you are able to talk positively about them with others. Smart companies enter into dialogue with their customers. They do not limit themselves to one-side advertising. We value this and can only recommend it! Conversation is the central theme here and it should be fun at the same time!
In the coming time, we will be launching great campaigns in The Philippines, for this we'll need as many members as possible, so tell your friends about this site! On this blog, we will keep you informed about new campaigns, interesting novelties from us and things worth knowing in general.
Have fun!