Jelle - Author
21/02/2018 10:35
A baby is born !
Whilst you were sleeping, a small and elite group of designers has been hard at work creating this website for you – feel free to take your desktop, laptop, tablet or smartphone to explore!
With a great new look, lots of interesting features, and streamlined wording, we’ve tried to make it a website that has everything you could ever need in a website, and more besides! Thank you for offering feedback throughout the years to make this possible.
We cannot wait for you to come and visit our new website, and see everything that we’ve been working on. From separate profile views, to personal campaign overviews, it’s all change as we bring you a website that’s custom-designed for our very own Insiders.
Are you proud of your contribution to a particular campaign, and worried it’s now lost forever? Fear not – our team have successfully migrated our previous campaigns to the new website. We’re very proud of our history, and we wanted to bring it with us to the brave new world. Hope you like it!